Use of Cookies - KIIP

Cookie Policy

We attach great importance to the confidentiality of your data which represents for us a guarantee of seriousness and trust, regardless of whether they are "cookies" (cookie policy) or identifying data (privacy policy).

The "cookies" policy aims to explain to you why we use "Cookies" when you browse our website. However, this "Cookies" policy only concerns processing relating to "Cookies".

For other processing that we carry out, please consult our Data Privacy Policy, accessible at any time on our website.

What are "cookies"?

"Cookies" are small "text" files that are placed and hosted on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, to allow you to browse our website.

What exactly are "cookies" used for?

"Cookies" allow us to remember certain information about you in order to recognize you when you connect to our website again and to better understand your use of our website in order to offer you a service quality.

What categories of "cookies" do we use?

We use "cookies" which are necessary for the proper functioning of our website and which provide statistical data relating to your attendance and use of our website in order to improve our services on a daily basis.

What control do you have over our "cookies"?

The "cookies" necessary for the proper functioning of our website cannot be configured because their absence would have too great an impact on your experience.

You can also, at any time, deactivate or delete other "cookies" by modifying your browser settings, even if we inform you that prohibiting the use of these "cookies" may have consequences on the proper functioning of our site Internet.

To configure your browser, we invite you to consult the help menu of the browser you are using from the following list: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Mozilla Firefox et Opera.

Who can you contact for more information?

Our Data Protection Officer ("DPO") is always available to explain in more detail how we process your data and to answer your questions on the subject at .

How can you contact the CNIL?

You can contact the French data protection supervisory authority at any time (the "National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties" or "CNIL") using the following contact details: CNIL - Complaints Department - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 or by phone at +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22.

Can the cookies policy be modified?

We may modify our "Cookies" policy at any time to adapt it to new legal requirements as well as new processing that we may implement in the future. You will obviously be informed of any modification to this policy.