Legal Mentions - KIIP

Legal Mentions

Effective October 13, 2023

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as L.C.E.N., it is brought to the attention of users and visitors, hereinafter the "User", of the site, hereinafter the "Site", these legal notices.

Connection and navigation on the Site by the User implies full and unreserved acceptance of these legal notices.

Article 1 - The Publisher

The Site is edited by Deborah FAGE, operating under the trade name KIIP, Individual Entrepreneur, whose head office is located at 22 avenue de la Mission Marchand, 94350, Villiers-sur-Marne.

Telephone number: ,
Email address: ,
SIRET number: 920 366 374 00014

The Publication Director is Deborah FAGE hereinafter the "Publisher".

Article 2 - The Host

The Site is hosted by the company OVH (, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.
Telephone number: 1007

Article 3 - Regulated Activity

The profession of Industrial Property Advisor is a regulated activity subject to the ethics of Industrial Property Advisors in France who are members of the "Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle" (CNCPI).

As such, professional liability insurance has been taken out.

Article 4 - Intellectual Property

This website, content and presentation, is the property of the company KIIP.

Any reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, including the adaptation, translation, transformation, of the elements composing it (brands, logos, visuals, graphic charters, texts, etc.), as well as the structure of the Site, without express prior authorization and written information from the Publisher are prohibited and will be subject to prosecution.

Article 5 - Access to the Site

It is up to the user to verify, before any use of this Site, that they have the material and technical means necessary to access and browse the Site.

The company KIIP does everything possible to ensure that the Site is accessible and protected but cannot be held responsible for the inaccessibility of the Site or the inability to connect for any reason whatsoever.

The company KIIP cannot be held responsible in the event of contamination of Users' computer equipment resulting from the spread of a virus or other computer infections.

Article 6 - Content of the Site

The site provides Users with information allowing them to present the structure of the company, its areas of expertise and the services offered. They are provided for information purposes only. They therefore have no contractual value and cannot be considered as a commercial or service offer.

Despite the efforts made by the company KIIP regarding the reliability of the information present on the Site, it cannot be held responsible for errors, omissions, inaccuracies and updating delays and their possible consequences.

It is therefore up to all visitors to verify the accuracy of the information before their possible use or exploitation, which is carried out at the User's own risk.

The company KIIP reserves the right to modify, delete, interrupt, or suspend all or part of the Site, temporarily or permanently, at any time and without informing the user in advance. No liability for this fact can be incurred by the Publisher.